Indigenous Poitri

Incredulously Indigenous

In 1963 Papua became a vital project
the lowland peoples' world was wrecked
Hunters and Gatherers, hunted and gathered
ethnicity unremembered and stories remembered and hungered,
at the expense of natural resources
-'people' became inordinate consequences
"They pull out their hearts, soon they will be crushed inside."
The cathedral of diversity crumbles
causing continental divides
The soldiers of order(disorder), civil order(court order), market order (money order),
purchase order (rules of order), animal order (pecking order), extended order (world order)
re-order - say exponential decay.

The human presence on the Papua New Guinnea dates back at least 40,000 years to the oldest human migrations out of Africa. Research indicates that the highlands were an early and independent center of agriculture, with evidence of irrigation going back at least 10,000 years.


5000 Generations

We migrated from Africa to America
footsteps to progress, anarchy to algebra
We climbed down from the trees
And build into the sky through adversity
We built on rock and sand
We gave nature a hand.
But when you look at the finger in the pie fingers
thers is a memory that lingers
of Butchered Bison and Bloody War
of turning the land into our hoar
Our negativity and depravity
destroyed sensibility
displayed our denyability
Our story is told hastily
Burning Bushes wage Humanisim?
Killing Freedomism
In 5000 generations we have moved from point A to point C.

Atlantis (Spaceship or Placeship)

Where are you in my dream?
A drifting home downstream
Flowing with an elixir preventing afterlife promising rife?
I look up (or is it down) those soft fine feathers keep me on the ground
wherefore art thou?
That most elusive answer to the question..
Where is my dream?A St. Crispin tome tidal stream
Flowing with an elixir preventing afterlife promising rife? Steppin stepping stones - another small step for 'man' In his shoes America god Speed! Oh that sweet sweet smell of crushed Balm of Gilead.